Book a Science Show*
No children were harmed in the making of this photo.
The Whiz Bang Science Show
Whiz Bang is my most popular show. The Whiz Bang Science Show involves many different science demonstrations (some listed here may not be included unless you specifically request them). Some of the demos that we choose from are the hair-raising Van de Graaf generator, an air pressure rocket that reaches surprising heights, Elephant's Toothpaste, electricity demos, other chemical reactions, flying things, an air cannon, eggciting eggsperiments, fireballs and explosions (yes they are safe), and many other possible science demos and experiments. The show is designed to involve many children as volunteers with lots of opportunities for hands-on participation.
The Details
Cost: $400* (* group size and distance from Vancouver may result in additional fees)
Length of performance: 60 minutes
Set up time needed: 45 minutes
The Dry Ice Show
Discover the mysteries of dry ice with the Dry Ice Show, a blend of science and wonder. The show features illuminated clouds of glowing fog that captivate the senses, a dry ice fountain, self-inflating bubbles and balloons, singing coins, dry ice poppers, smoke-filled bubbles, and more. Despite the properties of dry ice, there are safe, interactive activities with dry ice that allow children to explore and learn about its unique properties.
The Details
Cost: $400* (* group size, distance from Vancouver, and availability of dry ice on holidays may result in additional fees)
Length of performance: 60 minutes
Set up time needed: 45 minutes
It was a portal to another dimension. We are still looking for the kids.
Thankfully they did not float away.
The Bubble Show
The first science shows I did back in 1990 were bubble shows. When I started, I only knew a few bubble tricks and how to put kids inside bubbles. Now the show has a lot more complicated tricks and exciting new bubble activities. The bubble show usually consists of three parts: 1. bubble tricks 2. putting the children inside bubbles and 3. letting the kids make bubbles outside. Due to the wind, the first two parts of the show must be done inside. Some of the bubble show tricks are as follows: the bubble caterpillar, a flower-shaped bubble, a cube-shaped bubble, smoke-filled bubbles, the bubble trampoline, a bubble carousel, the Mickey Mouse bubble and much more.
The Details
Cost: $400* (*group size and distance from Vancouver may result in additional fees)
Length of performance: 60 minutes
Set up time needed: 30-45 minutes
** Please note that the Bubble Show can not be done outside in ANY circumstance. Similarly, indoor shows can be hampered by automatic ventilation systems such as one might find in modern schools and recreation centres.
To contact me for questions or to book me for a science show, please fill out the contact form at the link below. I will get back to you as soon as possible.